
13 Bits Of Elevator Etiquette That Will Ensure You Are A Pleasure To Be Around Those Few Seconds

Because you obviously didn’t know these…

1. Avoid stupid small talk.

13 Bits Of Elevator Etiquette That Will Ensure You Are A Pleasure To Be Around Those Few Seconds

No matter what whoever says, it is perfectly alright to just end an elevator conversation after a simple hello. You don’t need to fill awkward silences with an even more awkward conversation about how hot it is outside. Everybody knows how hot it is outside, you don’t have to make it worse by saying it again.

2. The only place where being glued to your smartphone isn’t a bad thing.

13 Bits Of Elevator Etiquette That Will Ensure You Are A Pleasure To Be Around Those Few Seconds

Smartphones let you do the one thing that’s totally accepted in an elevator – mind your own business. Why not, it’s just a matter of a few seconds. Unless you’re the liftman, then it might just be a little rude.

3. No matter what, hold it in.

13 Bits Of Elevator Etiquette That Will Ensure You Are A Pleasure To Be Around Those Few Seconds

Flatulence isn’t very kindly received, especially in an elevator. Obviously. And if you haven’t noticed already, EVERYBODY knows who farted. So hold it in. For as long as you can. You never know when it ends up being a gas chamber.

4. Make sure you don’t smell like a morgue.

13 Bits Of Elevator Etiquette That Will Ensure You Are A Pleasure To Be Around Those Few Seconds

Because, death.

5. Make sure you don’t smell like you’ve been marinating in scent all night.

13 Bits Of Elevator Etiquette That Will Ensure You Are A Pleasure To Be Around Those Few Seconds

Because, death.

6. If you’re the tallest in the lift, make sure you’re standing right at the back.

13 Bits Of Elevator Etiquette That Will Ensure You Are A Pleasure To Be Around Those Few Seconds

It’s basic courtesy to stand right towards the end of the elevator. However, in case you’re stuck right in the middle of everything at least make sure people around you get to breathe.

7. If you have to go to the first floor, there is no reason for you to take the elevator.

13 Bits Of Elevator Etiquette That Will Ensure You Are A Pleasure To Be Around Those Few Seconds

Don’t be that a**hole. Unless you have a broken leg, are pregnant or find an empty ‘lift’. Because Indians can’t differentiate between an elevator and an escalator. Hence, lift.

8. Be kind to non-smokers.

13 Bits Of Elevator Etiquette That Will Ensure You Are A Pleasure To Be Around Those Few Seconds

Smokers might not realise this themselves, but they do stink, enough to fill the space in the elevator. Carry a gum, it might not solve the problem, but it definitely helps.

9. Tone down on the pick-up lines.

13 Bits Of Elevator Etiquette That Will Ensure You Are A Pleasure To Be Around Those Few Seconds

Boss, unless you’re Ambani or Gosling, no woman will take your corny hello-madam-type lines seriously in life. Why waste energy only to be ridiculed when you can always swipe right?

10. Don’t be the a-hole who plays music on a speaker.

13 Bits Of Elevator Etiquette That Will Ensure You Are A Pleasure To Be Around Those Few Seconds

Earphones are there for a reason, use them.

11. Don’t be the a-hole who presses random buttons.

13 Bits Of Elevator Etiquette That Will Ensure You Are A Pleasure To Be Around Those Few Seconds

Just don’t. Even 10-year-olds are called a**holes for doing such a thing nowadays, and you’re a grown ass person. Behave.

12. Don’t force your way in

13 Bits Of Elevator Etiquette That Will Ensure You Are A Pleasure To Be Around Those Few Seconds

Sure, you might have been waiting for quite some time now but there is absolutely no need to squish your way into an already packed elevator. Let it go. Why make it uncomfortable for yourself and everyone else? Wait for another minute, or better still, take the bloody stairs.

13. Smile.

13 Bits Of Elevator Etiquette That Will Ensure You Are A Pleasure To Be Around Those Few Seconds

It always makes things better. Unless you have a creepy smile because then it can be sexual harassment. Check your smile out in the mirror before proceeding with this point.

Bonus point –


13 Bits Of Elevator Etiquette That Will Ensure You Are A Pleasure To Be Around Those Few Seconds

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