
9 Small Hacks To Help You Focus Better And Get Your Work Done On Time

Focusing on the work at hand is a huge task whether it’s studying for exams or life in the office. We found some simple hacks provided by Quora users that are useful in getting your shit done.

9 Small Hacks To Help You Focus Better And Get Your Work Done On Time

1. Involving your emotions

When you know what has to be done and what time your deadline is, ask yourself questions like what’s at stake and what are the consequences should you not finish your tasks in the stipulated time.

9 Small Hacks To Help You Focus Better And Get Your Work Done On Time

2. Note down other pressing matters

While working, keep a pen and paper handy, so you may write down passing thoughts that you can park aside for later. Writing them down can remind you to act on them later after you are done with the work you have at hand.

9 Small Hacks To Help You Focus Better And Get Your Work Done On Time

3. Take breaks

However these breaks must be productive in a way that it enhances your focus. Step outside for a breath of fresh air, meditate and do some activity that gets your blood vessels pumping. As long as your breaks don’t involve a smartphone or something with a screen, you should be fine.

9 Small Hacks To Help You Focus Better And Get Your Work Done On Time

4. Find yourself a special place

If you are in office, choose a corner or area that’s quiet, empty and pretty bare. An empty conference room, or a lounge away from the desks is a good place to migrate to if you can’t focus with noise and general banter from your colleagues.

9 Small Hacks To Help You Focus Better And Get Your Work Done On Time

5. Give yourself a time limit

Challenge yourself by setting time limits to your work. This will help you finish faster and prevent you from getting distracted by trivial things. Set an alarm for 30 minutes (or more) and try to beat the clock!

9 Small Hacks To Help You Focus Better And Get Your Work Done On Time

6. Turn off all communication devices

This includes your smartphone (airplane mode) and apps like WhatsApp, Facebook, GTalk and BBM. Turn them off or turn off the notifications. You don’t need to have conversations while you’re on something. All that can be done later.

9 Small Hacks To Help You Focus Better And Get Your Work Done On Time

7. Make a ‘To Do List’

Jot down all the things you need to get done in the day. Every time you complete one task, tick it off with pride and carry on to the next task at hand.

9 Small Hacks To Help You Focus Better And Get Your Work Done On Time

8. Make it a point to get off your seat

It is vital to get out of your seat every hour and stretch or just walk around for 7-10 minutes, to get your focus on track. If that’s not good enough, take a power nap to recharge and refresh your mind.

9 Small Hacks To Help You Focus Better And Get Your Work Done On Time

9. Eat and drink

Eating light meals and drinking tea help to calm the mind as opposed to heavy meals, coffee and alcohol. Don’t stuff yourself for the sake of fake hunger, but eat when you feel tired or hungry. Eating light several times, is better than eating a lot at once.

9 Small Hacks To Help You Focus Better And Get Your Work Done On Time

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