
19 Tourist Spots That Are A Match Made In Heaven For Adrenaline Junkies

9. Dinner in the Sky

Dinner in the Sky is a Belgian-based novelty restaurant service which uses a crane to hoist its diners, table, and waiting staff 150 feet into the air. Forbes magazine called it one of the world’s ten most unusual restaurants. Dinner in the Sky has mobile services available in 15 nations, and has operations in many cities including Paris and Las Vegas. What happens when the food goes cold though? Hmm?

10. Gravity Flying Fox – New Zealand

So you’re basically suspended from a zipline 1.1 kilometers long at a height of 175 meters above a river. Fun, right? Wait for this, you’ll be travelling up and down the zipline at an exhilarating speed of a 160 kmph or 100 miles per hour. First one of it’s kind in the world!

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