Whether it’s Valentine’s Day or Love Your Pet Day (yes, it’s real: February 20th), every day is a good day to tell your pet you love them. Afraid they won’t say it back? Nonsense! Here’s a couple of ways our little friends tell us they love us every day.
1. They show you their tummy

This is typical of dogs and cats, though you’d best distinguish between the two! The stomach is the most vulnerable area for many mammals. By baring their tummy at you, your pets are telling you they trust you implicitly. The point where this gets messy is when we interpret it as an invitation for belly-rubs. Most dogs enjoy this, but most cats will view this as a breach of their trust and will immediately try to scratch you. But really, who can keep from trying to touch that cute tummy?
2. They’re visibly and audibly excited to see you

Different animals have different ways to communicate excitement, and most have more than one. Cats might do a chirping meow and lift and curl their tails, dogs bark and wag their tail aggressively. Most animals will approach you if they’re excited to see you.
3. They beg for your attention

There are many ways pets can do this: following you around, staring up at you, gently tapping on you with their paws, jumping at your leg, or vocalizing at you (meowing for attention, for example).
4. They greet you at the door

My cat seems to have a preternatural ability to recognize the sound of my motor, my footfalls, and my specific key-ring because she’s always there peeking her head at me when I open the door. A sure-fire way to know your pet cares for you is if it waits for you at the door when you come back home. This is their way of saying: “I’ve missed you, human!”
5. They snuggle up to you

One of the clearest indicators of pet love is when your pet seeks your physical affection. They do so by rubbing their heads against you, sitting on your lap, sleeping with you and embracing you (or, in the case of most cats, letting you embrace them for a couple of seconds).
6. They initiate play-time

The more obvious instances of this are when your pet approaches you with a toy in its mouth. A more misunderstood invitation to play is with cats: sometimes they sneak up on you and ever-so-gently tag you with a claw and then run away, or start randomly chasing you around the house. They’re actually playing “tag” with you.