in Animals Love 21 Hilarious Furry Guys Beg To Be Back Inside 652 Views 8. “Knock, knock. Who’s there? LET ME IN.”9. “I know I begged for an hour to come out here…but three minutes is enough!” 10. “Morning already? I waited here all night! I think I deserve to at least share a bowl of Cocoa Puffs with you.”11. “I know you didn’t mean to lock the door…so I came to the window. In please!” 12. “I’m just a dog…sitting in a flower pot…dreaming of a nice dry doggie bed.”13. “Okay…found my toys, you can let me in now, human.”“…Human?”14. “But…I wanted to pick out some fresh fruit! Remember, it’s strawberry season!” Page 2 of 3Previous 123Next1.2Kshares Share Tweet RSS WhatsApp CatsFunnyFurry GuysLeave Your CommentsCancel reply