A series of bird illustrations, 100% consisting of foods – a project by artist Anna Keville Joyce , which has no practical meaning, but is able to deliver aesthetic pleasure and cheer up the audience. Work under the title A Tribute to Budgie from food designer and food stylist Anna Keville Joyce – the category of those that are difficult to repeat the “at home”, but that you can admire and marvel at the skill of the author. This art series that Anna created is in tribute to her pet bird: when Budgie passed on, Anna turned to art therapy to deal with her grief. As she works with food as a creative medium, it only made sense that she worked with the materials she knows and loves, and the result is astonishing. A flamingo crafted from crushed-up Fruit Loops cereal stands tall among paper-thin radish and kiwi slices; the plate becomes a canvas rather than just a serving implement.

When it comes to selecting the ingredients she?ll use to create her miniature masterpieces, Anna first considers the image she?d like to create, and then starts to think about the textures, shapes, and colors of different food ingredients. A slice of cauliflower could easily become a cloud, for example, while strips of potato peel could easily be used to evoke tree bark. She may have sparked a new revolution in home culinary experimentation: we could all use a bit more art in our lives, and if these beautiful vignettes can be created with a few simple, healthy ingredients, then playing with our food is a worthwhile endeavor indeed.