We are used to seeing beautiful images and paintings of landscapes, but it’s the canvas that NY-based artist Alison Moritsugu chooses to paint her idyllic landscapes on that makes her artworks so interesting. Moritsugu chooses to paint on logs in this series in order to make a point about the way in which we look at and treat the environment.
Her paintings replicate the same style which was popular in the 18th and 19th centuries, however this time they are painted on the rough surface of cut logs, evidence of the destruction that often goes unnoticed. The artist writes ?Today, photoshopped images of verdant forests and unspoiled beaches invite us to vacation and sightsee, providing a false sense of assurance that the wilderness will always exist. By exploring idealized views of nature, my work acknowledges our more complex and precarious relationship with the environment.? Mortisgu paints on naturally fallen lumber, you can see more of her work here.