I am one of those people who have been greatly blessed by growing up with a sister who had Down Syndrome. Dina was the best thing that could have ever happened to our family. She taught us what true unconditional love is and how to go through life without worries. She would light up any room that she walked into and people were always drawn to her sweet, yet stubborn personality. When I think back on my childhood, my mind automatically goes to memories with her. Great memories with her. My mom and Dina were the absolute best of friends and were completely inseparable and my Dad and her had a bond that couldn?t be broken. People that knew our family and knew Dina always say how Dina more then doubled her life expectancy and lived a wonderful life because of how great my family was with her. My parents are saints. They gave their all to making sure Dina lived a life fully of happiness.
Ever since I started doing photography, I?ve always had the desire to photograph kids with Down Syndrome. I chose to do this photo shoot not only for my own pleasure but to help raise awareness about Down Syndrome. I wanted to be able to turn my photographs into art that would capture the true beauty of those with Down Syndrome. Nothing brings me more joy then being around those who have Down Syndrome. Everything about them makes me smile.
I hoped that my photos would be shared and that people would see how blessed these families are. After doing this photo shoot, I was told by one of the mothers that the abortion rate of those who find out that their child may have Down Syndrome is at 92%. That abortion rate is way higher then I ever imagined. That being said, if I can help lower that abortion rate just by sharing my photos, then I succeeded. I want to change minds. I want people to see these children and know that if they are having a baby who has been diagnosed with Down Syndrome, although it may be scary, they will be blessed beyond words.
If you are that person who is going through the emotional roller coaster of just finding out that your child has Down Syndrome please know that you are about to encounter a love that surpasses all of your expectations.
I am one of those people who have been greatly blessed by growing up with a sister who had Down Syndrome
Dina passed away 4 years ago due to congestive heart failure which is often common in those with Down Syndrome

She was the best thing that could have ever happened to our family
She taught us what true unconditional love is and how to go through life without worries

Ever since I started doing photography, I?ve always had the desire to photograph kids with Down Syndrome

Nothing brings me more joy then being around those who have Down Syndrome. Everything about them makes me smile

I hoped that my photos would be shared and that people would see how blessed these families are

I chose to do this photo shoot not only for my own pleasure but to help raise awareness about Down Syndrome

I found out that abortion rate of those who find out that their child may have Down Syndrome is at 92%

That being said, if I can help lower that abortion rate just by sharing my photos, then I succeeded

I want to change minds
I want people to see these children and know that if they are having a baby who has been diagnosed with Down Syndrome, they will be blessed beyond words