

15 Hilarious Interior Design Mistakes

Are you someone who isn’t satisfied with the interior design of their house? Maybe you feel the bedroom needs a fresh coat of paint. Or that your bathroom and kitchen need a revamp… If you do decide to change the look of your home, you should be very careful, because interior decoration is a tricky craft and not everyone is good at it. In fact, sometimes a poor design can make the lives of homeowners rather uncomfortable.

An Instagram page that goes by the name ‘typical.rykozhop’ is dedicated to bringing out some of the most absurd interior design mistakes in different homes around the world. These home design fails are not just downright ridiculous, they are unforgivable!

1. At least, they will have proper privacy here.

15 Hilarious Interior Design Mistakes

2. Now that’s a unique bathroom/kitchen combo!

15 Hilarious Interior Design Mistakes

3. This will make for a rather uncomfortable bathing experience.

15 Hilarious Interior Design Mistakes

4. How did this even happen?

15 Hilarious Interior Design Mistakes

5. To be honest, that’s an impressive example of doing the best with a limited amount of space. Bravo!

15 Hilarious Interior Design Mistakes

6. So, what happens when the washing machine goes off balance? Does the whole house shake?

15 Hilarious Interior Design Mistakes

7. Because two shower heads are better than one?

15 Hilarious Interior Design Mistakes

8. The designer missed putting the hole in the right place. Now how will this door remain shut?

15 Hilarious Interior Design Mistakes

9. That’s one way to have a flat-screen TV!

15 Hilarious Interior Design Mistakes

10. But I really liked that cord! Sigh…

15 Hilarious Interior Design Mistakes

11. There must have been too many leakages at the same time here.

15 Hilarious Interior Design Mistakes

12. But how will we know which valve works for what purpose?

15 Hilarious Interior Design Mistakes

13. These poor guys need some breathing space.

15 Hilarious Interior Design Mistakes

14. Well, that looks highly uncomfortable to sit on, doesn’t it?

15 Hilarious Interior Design Mistakes

15. What on earth is going on here?

15 Hilarious Interior Design Mistakes

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