
Have A Wonderful Thursday

Have A Wonderful Thursday

Forget your troubles.
Let your heart sing.
Fly to your dreams
on silver wings.
Throw out the thoughts
of black and gray.
Trade them for
the brilliance of
the morning rays.
Be free like a bird;
fill the world
with your song,
and you’ll find happiness
your whole life long.
Yes, it’s going to be
a wonderful Thursday!

Have A Wonderful Thursday

Love is the bridge between you and everything.

Have A Wonderful Thursday

Intellect takes you to the door,
but it doesn`t take you into the house.

Have A Wonderful Thursday

I`ve been seeker and I still am,
but I stopped asking books and the stars.
I started to listening to the teaching of my soul.

Have A Wonderful Thursday

Have A Wonderful Thursday

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