7. Loss of Sense of Smell

As we get older, damage to our nervous system reduces the sharpness in our sense of smell. Yet, sometimes this loss occurs in young people too. If you notice this, and you are young, please see a doctor right away. Your symptom could be caused by a viral infection or a strong cold.
8. Twitching Eyelids

If your eyes are tired from overwork, they may start twitching involuntarily. To stop this, all you need to do is wash your eyes using cotton pads that have been soaked in cold water. However, if this remedy doesn’t stop your twitching, you will need to see a neuropathologist. You may be experiencing twitching because of a grave problem with your nervous system.
9. A Ringing in Your Ears

Known as tinnitus, constant ringing in the ears is a common problem that many people feel tempted to ignore, in the belief that it’s unrelated to their health. In most cases, the sound is caused by spending time in certain types of noisy environments. However, it could be that tinnitus is caused by an underlying illness. Check with your doctor to make sure.
10. Dislocation of Shoulder Joints

When someone’s shoulder joints can be moved in many different directions and seem to be loose, the joint is said to be ‘unstable’. Some people are born with the kind of flexible ligaments to allow such apparently free movements, and other people have acquired the condition through an injury. In either case, though, the condition can cause further injuries and should be considered dangerous.
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