
7 Back Pain Remedies That Actually Work

5. Do the Cat-Cow Stretch

7 Back Pain Remedies That Actually Work

7 Back Pain Remedies That Actually Work

By far not everyone is fond of yoga or pilates, which is a shame because they’re very beneficial for the spine. Some people hate the very feeling of doing a stretch, which makes passive stretches, such as forward folds and hamstring stretches unbearable, even when they’re not experiencing any lower back pain. If you’re one of these people, we recommend trying out some mobile stretches, the most effective and easiest one of which is the cat-cow stretch.

By far not everyone is fond of yoga or pilates, which is a shame because they’re very beneficial for the spine. Some people hate the very feeling of doing a stretch, which makes passive stretches, such as forward folds and hamstring stretches unbearable, even when they’re not experiencing any lower back pain. If you’re one of these people, we recommend trying out some mobile stretches, the most effective and easiest one of which is the cat-cow stretch.


1. Start from all fours, preferably on a yoga mat or a blanket. If staying in this position is painful for your knees, use an extra blanket to cushion the knees.
2. On an inhale, arch your back and raise your head like the model does in Step 1 above.
3. On an exhale, round your back and lower your head as in Step 2.
Repeat the steps several times for a duration of about 3-5 minutes.

6. Try a Pressure Point Massage

7 Back Pain Remedies That Actually Work

Acupressure is an ancient method rooted in traditional Chinese medicine that uses your body’s own self-healing mechanisms to alleviate pain and heal the body. The idea is that by applying pressure to certain key areas in the body, you will be able to heal and relieve pain in specific organs or body parts.

When it comes to lower back pain, there are 2 main areas that can help reduce the pain: there’s one in your waist and another one in the middle of either calf muscle. You can massage both or one of these points to alleviate lower back pain as follows.

The Waist

Step 1. Stand up and grab your waist with your hands so that your hands wrap around your back, thumbs resting on the lower back like in the picture above.

Step 2. Use your thumbs to apply firm pressure in circular motions for 5 seconds, then release. Repeat 3 times.

The Calf

Step 1. Sitting down, find a point midway on your calf muscle.

Step 2. Press on that point with your thumbs using circular motions for 5 seconds. Repeat 3 times.

7. De-Stress Using Fragrant Oils

7 Back Pain Remedies That Actually Work

It’s clear that straining your lower back and lifting heavy things can cause lower back pain, but the primary cause of lower back pain is actually stress, so it’s key to address your mind, and not only your body during your recovery from lower back pain. And while mindfulness meditation, yoga, and similar techniques are all beneficial, they typically take a lot of time and just aren’t for everyone.

One effortless method of de-stressing and flooding your brain with beneficial endorphins, which also have pain-relieving properties, by the way, is through the use of relaxing fragrant oils. Burning a candle or using an essential oil diffuser with such smells as rose, lavender or ylang-ylang (or any combination of these) has been proven to have relaxing, anti-anxiety and antidepressant capabilities.

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