

7 Worst Foods That Are Known To Cause Acne

5. Refined Foods

7 Worst Foods That Are Known To Cause Acne

Not only refined sugars are bad for your skin. Scientists have found that any ultra-processed or refined foods can increase your risk of acne. These include the processed grains present in your favorite white bread and cookies, instant ramen, and fast food, to name a few. There are several studies looking at the impact of processed meat, such as burgers and sausages, on acne, and that of fast food in general on skin health, and all these studies found at least a 25% increased risk.

Like sugary foods and dairy, highly-processed foods, too, were suggested to upset the hormonal balance and alter the makeup of sebum. Thus, reducing the number of fast foods and processed foods in your diet isn’t just bad for your long-term heart health and longevity, it will make your skin clearer, too, as a pleasant bonus.

6. Whey Protein

7 Worst Foods That Are Known To Cause Acne

Whey protein powder is one of the most common fitness supplements, recommended and widespread among athletes, fitness buffs, and anyone who is trying to lose weight these days. It turns out, however, that the same thing that may help you lose weight and build muscle may also be making your acne worse or potentially even cause it. This is because whey protein powder is based on two dairy proteins – casein and whey – concentrated in a powder form.

Case studies and larger experiments reveal that whey protein powder is a common culprit behind acne in athletes, as the powder is capable of raising insulin levels and causing an increase in the androgen hormones that control sebum production and skin health. Add this to hours of sweating at the gym every week, and you are in dangerous territory when it comes to skin issues both on your face and body.

7. Excessive Fat Consumption

7 Worst Foods That Are Known To Cause Acne

Don’t be mistaken, not just trans-fats and saturated fats can cause acne. All types of fat, even healthy ones can increase your risk of acne. That’s right, it turns out you can eat too many avocados, after all. Some researchers suggest that this is because mixing different oils – omega-6, omega-3, and others – raises the level of inflammation in the body, including the skin.

The same French study we mentioned previously also found that eating french fries raised people’s risk of acne by 54%. Keep in mind that you don’t have to exclude oils and foods that contain them from your diet completely. Instead, simply decrease how much food you eat, especially fried foods.

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