The best way to speed up your caloric burn is through physical exercise, combined with aerobic workout and power-training. The goal is to use as many muscles in the body as possible, because the more we move – the more we burn!

So How Does it Work?
Perform these sets twice, while making sure to alternate between aerobic/power training. Preform all 8 exercises consecutively and without pause. You will need a set of weights of up to 4.5 pounds (you can use canned goods if you don’t have weights available) & a small step-ladder (make sure it’s sturdy). The best part of this exercise is that you can do it at home, no need for a fancy gym!
Exercise 1 – Power
Stand up with your legs slightly spread. Move your left leg back and bend both knees to a 90 degree angle. While doing that, stretch both arms down & to the right of your right knee. Make sure to keep your neck and back straight, and your stomach in.
Go back to the original pose and move your right leg back this time. Bend your knees at a 90 degree angle & stretch your arms down and to the left of your left knee. Preform 10 repetitions and proceed to the next exercise.

Exercise 2 – Aerobic
60 Seconds of Aerobics: Preform "Jumping Jacks" -jumping on the spot while spreading your arms and legs to the sides. Proceed to the next exercise.
Exercise 3 – Power
Stand with your legs slightly spread. Hold a weight with your right hand, palm facing your body. With your left leg, take a small step forward and lean down while slightly bending your knee. Place your left hand on your left knee while making sure your back and neck are straight. Lift the weight to the side of your rib cage while keeping your elbow close to your body. Preform 10 times for each side, then proceed to the next exercise.

Exercise 4 – Aerobic
60 Seconds of Aerobics: Staircase exercise. Run up and down the step for 1 minute then proceed to next exercise.
Exercise 5 – Power
Stand up with your legs slightly spread. With both of your arms straight – hold the weights in-front of you. Preform a squat as if you’re sitting down on a chair.
Try not to let your knees and stretched arms get to the same level, while preforming the squat with your buttocks instead of your knees. Hold the position for 2 seconds then stand back up.Repeat for 15 times, then proceed to the next exercise.

Exercise 6 – Aerobic
60 Seconds of Aerobics: Run on the spot for 1 minute. Proceed to the next exercise.
Exercise 7 – Power
Lie down on your back with your knees bent. Take a deep breath, and while exhaling – raise your pelvis off the floor while keeping your stomach in. It’s important to keep your knees at shoulder width. Hold the pose for 2 seconds, then slowly lie back down. Preform 10 repetitions and proceed to the next exercise.

Exercise 8 – Aerobic
60 Seconds of Aerobics: Pretend you’re playing jump-rope for a minute. Make sure you do the arm movements along with the rhythmic jumping.
Upon completing the 8 exercises, rest for 5 minutes and repeat the circuit once more. Continue to perform these exercises at least 3 times a week and you’ll feel the increase in your metabolism!