

8 Strangest Allergies That Actually Exist

5. Coins

8 Strangest Allergies That Actually Exist

If you get a rash on your hands from handling loose change, then you are probably allergic to nickel sulfate. People with such an allergy are also advised to stay away from jewelry, hairpins, lighters, and even certain door handles. As you can tell, all of these are very commons everyday objects.

As pestering as that may sound, the best thing sufferers from this allergy can do is avoid the aforementioned shiny items, take antihistamines after exposure, and perhaps apply a topical steroid creme when a rash develops.

6. Steak

8 Strangest Allergies That Actually Exist

Most people know ticks cause Lyme disease, but not many are aware that one certain tick, called the Lone Star tick, is to blame for developing an allergy to red meat. Galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose (alpha-gal) is a carbohydrate found in the cells of many animals that humans eat, like cows and pigs.

Once a tick bites a human after having bitten a mammal with that carbohydrate, the person’s body goes on to develop antibodies in response. Therefore, anytime that person consumed red meat this antibody response is triggered. No one is born with this condition, it can only be developed, and it’s more common in adults than children. Lone Star ticks are most prevalent in the eastern and southeastern United States.

7. Cold Temperature

8 Strangest Allergies That Actually Exist

Cold urticaria is very rare but potentially dangerous, in case a sufferer of the allergy is suddenly exposed to an extreme drop in temperature, for example, diving into icy water. Doctors confirm this uncommon condition by hilding an ice cube on a patient’s skin for several minutes and waiting for a reaction.

Managing this type of allergy mainly consists of prevention – avoiding the exposure of large areas of skin to the cold, and never swimming alone.

8. Electricity

8 Strangest Allergies That Actually Exist

People who suffer from electrosensitivity claim they experience headaches, ringing in the ears, fatigue, and more every time they come near electrical fields. This condition is extremely difficult to manage nowadays since electrical fields are generated by cell phones, microwaves, computers, and power lines. Essentially all of the things that surround us and govern our lives daily.

The interesting part is that electrosensitivity is actually a highly controversial topic. Most people who suffer from it are self-diagnosed, and years of controlled studies have come up with no evidence that electromagnetic fields cause these symptoms. The World Health Organization claims electrosensitivity is not a medical diagnosis, despite many individuals fiercely claim the opposite.

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