Want to strengthen your body and don’t really know how to start? You’ll probably be happy to know that you can do it in the right and recommended way without having to leave your home, regardless of your age. All you have to do is get two weights about 6 lbs. each (you can also use small full bottles of water), some willpower and perseverance, and start carefully following the following 9 exercises. Doing so will ensure you a strong, fit and toned body.
1. Step up with weights
This exercise strengthens the quadriceps muscle, which will strengthen and shape your front thigh.

Stand in front of a stair or place an object in front of you that can be used as one, such as a small stool, and hold a weight in each hand.
Start with your right foot and place it firmly on the step, and then immediately raise your other foot. Go back to the ground with your right foot first and then your left. This is one step.
Perform 2 sets of 20 repetitions on each side, with the right leg leading on the first and the left leg leading on the second.
After one set on each leg, rest for a maximum of 45 seconds and continue to the next set.
Perform two sets of 20 reps per leg. (4 times total).
2. Squats with weights
This exercise is excellent for strengthening and shaping thighs.

Hold a weight in each hand, bend your elbows so that the weights are at shoulder height, with your palms facing each other.
Stand a little wider than the hop width, bend your knees, and tilt your pelvis back, as if you are about to sit on a chair. Your knees should be at a 90-degree angle without crossing your toe line.
Return to standing upright, and before you completely straighten up, lift your hands up, with your hands above to your head, as in the picture. After placing your hands, return back to the bent stance as described in the previous section, and then return to standing with your hands up.
Perform two sets of 12 to 10 reps.
After one set, rest for 45 seconds at most, and continue to the next set.
3. Lunge curl with weights
Doing this exercise will strengthen your arms, calves, and thighs.
Hold a weight in each hand curl your arms up at shoulder height, as depicted above.

Stand with one foot in front of the other and then bend into a lunge with your weight on your front heel.
Bend your knees carefully, with your right knee not crossing the front line of the shoes, and with your left knee almost touching the floor as you straighten your hands downward, near your body. Once your hands are fully stretched and your feet are placed in the correct position, return to the starting position as described in the previous section, and as you ascend, bend your elbows back.
Perform two sets of 15-12 repetitions per leg (4 times total).
Rest for 45 seconds between each set.
4. Weighted bridge
If you want to strengthen your lower abdomen, this simple exercise will do the job.

Lie on your back with your knees bent, your pelvis, your back and your feet resting on the surface, and carefully place a weight on your lower abdomen, holding it from its sides.
Squeeze your buttocks and lift your pelvis off the floor by applying pressure to your heels until your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Then return the pelvis back towards the surface, hold your body in the air just before the buttocks touch the ground, and then rise back up.
Perform two sets of 20 reps.
After one set, rest for 45 seconds at most, and continue to the next set.
5. Calf raise with weights
With this exercise, you can effectively strengthen your calves.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart, bend your knees slightly, straighten your back while holding a weight in each hand and keep your hands at your sides. Note that most of your weight is placed on the soles of your feet.
Move your weight onto your toes, and try to stand on your toes as tall as possible.
Stay on your toes for one second, and then place the weight back on your soles.
Perform two sets of 25-20 repetitions.
Rest for 45 seconds at most between sets.
6. Chest press
Just as its name implies, this exercise will strengthen your chest muscles.
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground hip-width apart.

Body ToningExercisesWeightWomen