
These 12 Symptoms May Mean You Have Iron Deficiency

5. Shortness of Breath

If you notice that even fairly mundane tasks leave you unusually short of breath then it could be a sign that you have low iron levels. Tasks climbing the stairs and walking uphill should not cause huge problems if you are at a reasonable level of fitness, but when you are lacking in iron the oxygen levels are low no matter how deeply you breathe in the air from outside your body.

6. Brittle or Grooved Nails

Your nails can be indicators of various health problems and iron deficiency is one of them. If you have frail nails that are prone to breaking, splitting or cracking then it could be a sign of low iron levels. Ridges, banding and depressions in the nails are also indicators that you need to get checked out by a Doctor.

7. An Appetite for Non-Edible Items

This is an odd one, but people who suffer from low iron levels can also develop strange cravings for items you would not typically want to eat, such as paper, hair, dirt or chalk. This condition is called ‘pica’ and can occur in people who have lower nutrient levels than are healthy. If you develop symptoms, then it’s worth having your blood tested to see if your levels of iron are satisfactory.

8. Unexplained Hair Loss

Iron deficiency can cause you to lose more hair than usual, particularly if your levels of iron are severely low. If your body does not have enough oxygen to operate properly, it will channel the oxygen it does have to support vital functions and neglect less important matters, such as hair retention. Most scalps lose about 100 hairs a day on average, so there is no reason to panic if you see a few hairs in your plug hole or on your towel, but noticeably significant hair loss is worth checking out, especially if accompanied by other symptoms.

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