

20 Most Surprising Facts From Japan

11. Gum in Japan comes with a stack of papers for easy disposal.

20 Most Surprising Facts From Japan

12. Water sprinklers are installed on the roads to keep them from freezing over during the winter.

20 Most Surprising Facts From Japan

13. When you need help at a train station in Japan, station staff will literally pop out and help you!

20 Most Surprising Facts From Japan

14. There’s an ancient Japanese pruning method from the 14th century that allows lumber production without cutting down trees. It is called “daisugi.”

20 Most Surprising Facts From Japan

15. This is how smooth a ride on the Japanese bullet train is.

20 Most Surprising Facts From Japan

16. Aogashima is an isolated village in Tokyo. It is located within a volcano crater that has another mini volcano inside it.

20 Most Surprising Facts From Japan

17. The picture of the Japanese movie advertisement is printed on two sides of the newspaper, so the full picture could be seen under light.

20 Most Surprising Facts From Japan

18. A floating solar power plant in Japan on the Yamakura Dam reservoir.

20 Most Surprising Facts From Japan

19. The Kintai-Ky? Arch Bridge is located in the city of Iwakuni, Japan.

20 Most Surprising Facts From Japan

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