
Top 8 Biggest Mysteries About The Human Body You Need To Know

3. Dominant hand

Top 8 Biggest Mysteries About The Human Body You Need To Know

Although we accept the fact that we have a dominant hand as something completely normal, but it’s actually quite odd when you think about it. The theory of evolution is all about the “survival of the fittest”, so using that logic, we should have two equally strong hands. There are some people that are very rare exceptions to this rule, but the dominant hand is one of the biggest mysteries about the human body.

4. Yawning

Top 8 Biggest Mysteries About The Human Body You Need To Know

No-one quite knows why we yawn. What is known is that we start to yawn in our mother’s womb before we’re even born. There are two competing theories as to why we yawn, namely temperature regulation of the brain, and the notion that we do so to give our bodies a jolt in the event that our heart rate needs to increase. It could be that both are true. Who knows?

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