
Give Your Bathroom A New Feel

The sink is a great invention, we use it every day, yet we rarely give it a second thought. In the past, people used big bowls of water (called wash basins) for washing. These wash basins did not drain and had to be manually emptied often. In the 18th century, modern plumbing made fresh water available indoors, along with sewage drainage, and thus the invention of the modern sink came to be. Nowadays, sinks come in many styles, and these are some the most stylish and unique sinks I have ever laid eyes upon.

I would waste so much water if I had one of these.

Give Your Bathroom A New Feel

In this stylish sink, you move the ball to turn the tap on.

Give Your Bathroom A New Feel

Turn it to the other side, and it will change color and temperature…

Give Your Bathroom A New Feel

A more stylish wooden sink I have never seen!

Give Your Bathroom A New Feel

Give Your Bathroom A New Feel

A gorgeous see-through sink.

Give Your Bathroom A New Feel

Playing peekaboo with your kids will never be the same…

Give Your Bathroom A New Feel

A more modern take on the wooden sink.

Give Your Bathroom A New Feel

This geode sink is a sight to see!

Give Your Bathroom A New Feel

This sink might seem a little odd (unless you’re a geologist).

Give Your Bathroom A New Feel

Or a cartographer…

Give Your Bathroom A New Feel

For those who want some oriental flavor in the bathroom.

Give Your Bathroom A New Feel

This colorful glass sink might not be everyone’s cup of tea…

Give Your Bathroom A New Feel

Wash your hands in a homemade waterfall…

Give Your Bathroom A New Feel

If you enjoyed the opening scene of Disnsey’s Frozen.

Give Your Bathroom A New Feel

Even a metal sink can look elegant.

Give Your Bathroom A New Feel

A cool and different wash basin.

Give Your Bathroom A New Feel

For those who need a splash of paint in the bathroom…

Give Your Bathroom A New Feel

All the modern conveniences of a cave!

Give Your Bathroom A New Feel

Very a-peeling…

Give Your Bathroom A New Feel

The nearly-invisible sink.

Give Your Bathroom A New Feel

Give Your Bathroom A New Feel

Be one with the fish as you brush your teeth…

Give Your Bathroom A New Feel

Beautiful and elegant glass basin.

Give Your Bathroom A New Feel

When water, light and glass combine…

Give Your Bathroom A New Feel

Give Your Bathroom A New Feel

Silent and beautiful…

Give Your Bathroom A New Feel

Petrified wood makes for a most unique sink!

Give Your Bathroom A New Feel

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