
37 Historical Rare Pictures From The World War 2

The war that cost countless millions of soldiers and civilians their lives. It was one of the darkest chapters in our history, a time of great heroics, and great cruelty. These photos document some of the moments of this epic yet haunting time in our history. I hope that future generations will not forget the lessons that war has taught us. These photos should help them remember.

37 Historical Rare Pictures From The World War 2

German SS soldiers

37 Historical Rare Pictures From The World War 2

Hitler during Wartime

37 Historical Rare Pictures From The World War 2

Fascist headquarters in Italy

37 Historical Rare Pictures From The World War 2

Himmler meets a soviet prisoner

37 Historical Rare Pictures From The World War 2

The battle of Britain

37 Historical Rare Pictures From The World War 2


37 Historical Rare Pictures From The World War 2

Shell shocked reindeer

37 Historical Rare Pictures From The World War 2

Troop movements

37 Historical Rare Pictures From The World War 2

A french citizen cries as German soldiers march in Paris during the French Occupation

37 Historical Rare Pictures From The World War 2

Bombing of Reims Cathedral

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