Sarrail Ridge in Kananaskis Country
With our hearts in our mouths we continued on, much sweatier than before.
Tent Ridge in Kanananskis Country
Abraham Lake, Western Alberta
When a perfect weather window opened we decided to camp on the first summit of the Pocaterra Ridge in the heart of Kananaskis Country. Whilst crossing the first avalanche path from the previous winter, the sky looked great. Clear and calm.
Hiking up the East End of Mount Rundle
After a final surge we were at the first summit, had set up camp, ate, and were in our sleeping bags, waiting for sunrise. Then came a slight breeze; a considerable gust, followed by a strong wind that eventually ended in intermittent hail storms with 125km/h blasts. Although our tent was pitched as well as it could be, we literally had to hold it up with our feet from the inside.
Pocaterra Ridge, Peter Loughead Provincial Park
As the sun rose we decided to make a break for it as the hail had temporarily died down.