A Strange Assortment of Fried Foods Available at State and County Fairs
Deep Fried Doritos
Deep-fried Pineapple
PBJ, Nutella & Banana Sandwich
Fried Chicken And Waffles
Deep Fried Beer
Deep Fried Butter
Deep Fried Spam
Deep Fried Pizza
Deep Fried Cadbury Creme Eggs
Deep Fried Kool-Aid
Deep Fried Salsa
Deep Fried Pop Tart
Deep Fried Soda
Deep Fried White Castle Burgers
Deep Fried Corn On The Cob
Fried Bubblegum
Deep Fried Cookie Dough
Deep Fried Margarita
Deep Fried Jell-O
Deep Fried Pecan Pie
Deep Fried Jelly Beans
Fried Bacon Cinnamon Roll
Deep Fried Meatloaf
Deep Fried Guacamole
Deep Fried Thanksgiving Dinner (Stuffing mixed with turkey dipped in cream corn, rolled into a little round package, fried, and served with gravy)