Younger brothers have always been portrayed as a menace in movies, from Lizzy McGuire to the recently released Paddington. Immature brutes who have a sociopathic obsession in making your life hell. But that’s not always true. Younger brothers are an awesome companion and here’s why.
1. He is the first one to look up to you. Even if he may not express it directly.

2. He will willingly be your scapegoat and cover agent when your bribes are to his liking.

3. He’s annoying but no one will get a chance to insult you under his watch. Except him of course!

4. You can always tease or blackmail him with embarrassing photos and anecdotes.

5. He’s always up for a movie, even if it’s not to his taste.

6. He’ll always listen to your problems and try to offer logical solutions.
7. You will always have a sports buddy.
He might put up some competition but in the end he will let you have your chance, showing whose older, wiser and stronger.

8. You have a rival to play games with on the XBox and PS4.
9. Wanna order a pizza or ditch dinner for street food? Chota bhai is always game!

10. You’re ready to defy your parents but it’s not two against one. It’s two against two.
Why? Well, little bro is going to back you because it’s only fair to balance the equation!

11. You thought you’re all grown up and mature, until he cracked his dirty jokes when no elders were around.

12. For them big sisters. He’s your chaperone for your first date. Even if it makes him cringe.

13. Another for the ladies. Any man dare break your heart? Chhota bhai’s life mission will be to break his face.

14. Now this one is only for the guys. Got something you don’t need? Waste not, because your younger brother will definitely adopt it.

15. You can always coax your parents into buying something expensive (video games! video games! video games!) on the pretext that you will share.