
How To Keep Home Clutter Free

Great Tips for an Uncluttered Home!

Are you tired yet of a cluttered home where you can’t find anything when you need it, but stumble over every useless junk in the house? Then lend me your ears, as I will offer some advice on how to have a more organized home!

The rule of 5:

How To Keep Home Clutter Free

Every time you clean, you must select at least 5 items to throw away (and we’re not talking about pieces of paper – real objects!)

Use velcro to make sure your remotes stay put.

How To Keep Home Clutter Free

Save yourselves hours of your life spending a few minutes every time looking for that darn remote.

Use shower curtain hooks in your closet.

How To Keep Home Clutter Free

They take a lot less room than hangers do.

You have some great space under your desk.

How To Keep Home Clutter Free

Utilize the space under your desk, it’s a great place to keep some important things for easy access while working.

Make a doll or stuffed animal play pen using elastic cords.

How To Keep Home Clutter Free

Not only will your kid enjoy having his/her own play pen, but it makes putting them away that much easier!

The bed comes first

How To Keep Home Clutter Free

The reasons are threefold: It gives you a place to start, it makes sure you create a clean spot for yourself right away, and it makes all the other clutter look out of place now.

When it’s really hot – clean your fridge and freezer.

How To Keep Home Clutter Free

You’ll be cooling off while doing something productive!

Simplify the process of organizing your clothes with this question.

How To Keep Home Clutter Free

Use a sock to keep those cords in place.

How To Keep Home Clutter Free

Cords can become so convoluted they seem a riddle by the sphinx. Use an ordinary sock cut on both sides to make sure the mess is minimal.

Use pill boxes to keep some of your important small objects.

How To Keep Home Clutter Free

This will simplify your life and make it easier to find the little items you need.

Stuff your bed sheets in the matching pillowcase.

How To Keep Home Clutter Free

A great way to save room in your closet.

Use the ‘stuff basket’ method at home.

How To Keep Home Clutter Free

Does everyone leave their stuff everywhere? Put some personal stuff baskets around so that you can easily pick something up and put it in that person’s basket for them to retrieve later.

Try to open your mail next to a recylcling bin.

How To Keep Home Clutter Free

That way you can get rid of unwanted junk mail right away and be green.

Hang your less used cords on hooks on the inside of your closet.

How To Keep Home Clutter Free

Some cords are rarely used, but when you need them, you really need them. They tend to get lost, so this is a good solution to the probelm.

Hang a basket in your garage or backyard for the hose and sprinkler.

How To Keep Home Clutter Free

That way you can loop the hose around and put the sprinkler in the bucket.

Run your chargers through the back of your nightstand.

How To Keep Home Clutter Free

No more looking for those charges anymore at night!

Hooks are better than towel bars.

How To Keep Home Clutter Free

It’s a fact, Jack.

Have 2-3 more dishes than the maximum placement. Having too many dishes will delay washing them.

How To Keep Home Clutter Free

This will encourage people to do the dishes, not just take another set out.

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