is if they ever press charges.”
– Jack Handy
With the sorry state of today?s economy, more and more men are finding themselves on the lookout for new career opportunities. Unfortunately, landing a new and desirable job is easier said than done. In addition to needing a stellar resume, you also have to beat out a rising tide of qualified candidates in the dreaded interview process. Luckily for you, we can help. Learn hw to land a new position by reading our comprehensive list of the top 10 job interview mistakes.
Just because your interview may be scheduled for Casual Friday, it doesn?t mean that you can show up in jeans and an untucked shirt. Regardless of the job you?re applying for, it?s important to dress for success by wearing a subdued suit and tie with a minimal amount of bodacious bling. Conversely, it?s also important not to overdress. Waltzing into your interview looking like the Monopoly Man may make your prospective employer think that you?re failing to take the process seriously. Play it safe and leave your top hat and tails at home.
In today?s digital age, it?s nearly impossible to get away with lies and embellishments on your resume, so don?t even bother trying to pump yourself with fabricated claims. After all, it?s only a matter of time before a new employer discovers that you didn?t actually win eight gold medals at the 2008 Summer Olympic Games or that you didn?t personally broker a Mid-East cease fire agreement during your summer vacation. Lying during your interview can be grounds for dismissal later on — and that?s no lie.
No one wants to hire a malcontent, so be prepared to bite your tongue when the interviewer invariably asks you about your previous employer. Speaking negatively about your last job — even if it involved sorting monkey feces or taste-testing expired dairy products — will give the interviewer the impression that you?re a difficult person to get along with.
Everyone wants to make a good first impression, but there?s a fine line between developing a good rapport with your interviewer and becoming too familiar. Always address your interviewer by their last name, unless directed otherwise, and treat them in a courteous manner. Bear in mind that a job interview also isn?t the place to try out your stand-up routine, so ditch your opening line about the best thing about a redneck family fight (it?s the make-up sex, of course), and concentrate instead on coming across as a serious and responsible employee. There will be plenty of time to make jokes in the lunch room once you actually land the job.
Contrary to popular belief, a job interview isn?t all about you. It?s also a chance to learn about the ins and outs of the company you?re hoping to join. Be prepared to zip your lips for minutes at a time or otherwise you may come across as domineering and needy. It?s also important to be careful about the subjects you discuss. Although your interviewer will be interested in hearing about your past accomplishments and aspirations, they probably don?t need to hear about your bearded lady fetish or the fact that you experience a burning sensation every time you pee.
Chances are you?ll have several days to prepare for your interview, so make the most of your time by learning about the company. If it’s publicly traded, read the most recent 10-Q filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. If the company is privately held, start with its website. The time before your interview is also the perfect occasion to update your resume, so take the time to weed out all of those references who are currently serving time in a federal correctional institution.
Just as you should never ask a woman her age, it?s also considered to be in bad taste to discuss salary and benefits until you?ve been offered the job. Bringing up the topic too soon will convince the interviewer that you have little interest in the job beyond a monthly paycheck and your standard two weeks of vacation time.
Only a small percentage of candidates ever make it to the interview stage, so try to relax and enjoy the ride. Be prepared to be grilled for up to an hour and avoid glancing at your watch or asking how long the interview will last, since it gives the impression that you’re late for a far more important date.
Modesty may be a virtue, but it won?t help you land a job. Your interview is the chance for you to shine, so shelve your humility and highlight your strengths and accomplishments — just make sure to focus on those accomplishments that are most relevant to the position for which you?re applying. After all, the interviewer probably doesn?t have to know about your ability to shotgun a dozen beers or the fact that you?re the state?s largest owner of Michael Bolton memorabilia.

A job interview isn?t a party, so arriving casually late won?t score you any points. Make sure to show up 10-15 minutes in advance and notify a receptionist upon your arrival. Getting to your interview early will allow you to familiarize yourself with a foreign environment, and if you?re lucky, the waiting room may even have magazines from this decade.