

5 Of The Rainiest Places In The World That You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

Mawsynram, India

Average rainfall per year: 11,861mm

A tiny little village in the East Khasi Hills in Northeast India becomes absolutely swamped with monsoons in July and August every year, making this village famous for the rain, so much so that a sign declaring ‘The Wettest Place on Earth’ was erected just outside of the village! In order to shield oneself from the downpour, locals wear umbrellas known as ‘knups’ which are made from bamboo and banana leaf. They enable the wearer to have both hands free, due to the wide top that sits on the head, whilst the latter part of the knup covers the majority of the body. Mawsynram certainly cannot be defeated by a little rain – innovation is their ally when it comes to pursuing daily life

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