
Can You Guess What This Tube Is?

Can You Guess What This Tube Is?

Jillian Northrup of Oakland, USA and his team created a cool project-oriented … This tube, decorated for the technical pipe runs through the huge studio apartment. What for? Answer a few pictures

Can You Guess What This Tube Is?

Can You Guess What This Tube Is?

Can You Guess What This Tube Is?

Chic design, but this is not for water and air, but this tube is for cat. The system is called Cat Transit System (CTS)

Can You Guess What This Tube Is?

Can You Guess What This Tube Is?

Can You Guess What This Tube Is?

Can You Guess What This Tube Is?

Can You Guess What This Tube Is?

Can You Guess What This Tube Is?

Can You Guess What This Tube Is?

Can You Guess What This Tube Is?

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